Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Want More Iced Tea, MF-er!

FOX NEWS CHANNEL talk show host Bill O'Reilly ate dinner at Sylvia's, the famed Harlem restaurant frequented by powerful African-Americans (and Bill Clinton).

O'Reilly says that there was no craziness in the restaurant, and that everyone treated him with respect.

Of his time in the hotbed of Democratic activity, O'Reilly said, "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M.F.-er, I want more iced tea.'"

Some liberal groups are now saying that O'Reilly's words are racist. O'Reilly says his words were taken out of context - he's not a racist. The liberal media just wants you to think so, he says.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly is not a racist, he made a bad joke like he said that was taken out of context. Every since the media went in an uproar about Don Imus talking about the Rutger's girls basketball team the media has been pinpointing every comment that the media has possibly been scene as a racist comment.

Anonymous said...

Shanise Redmon
I think that he is insenstive to what the comments he makes and how they make people feel. He does seem to be subconscious about his race views.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is a racist, but it was a really bad thing to say. I wouldn't quite call it a bad joke, cause i don't see how that could be funny to anyone, but it was definitely the wrong thing to say. If someone was to say that to me I would be truly offended. It's a sterotype and I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

I really have to laugh at this story. My, my. Of all the the things that has been occurring across our country, that is without a question racism, people have some nerve over analyzing a joke Bill O'Reilly stated. He did not throw in anything about exactly who was in the restaurant with him, so it could have easily been any race being incredibly rude during his visit.

Everyone knows a good laugh sells, and that was what Mr. O'Reilly was looking for. He did not insult the staff or the restaurant itself. People are just trying to create unnecessary controversy.

-Myriam Wilson

Anonymous said...

I don't think that it was racist .. persay. I think that he is acting on poorly broadcasted stereotypes. Although his quip about the iced tea is what is most talked about, my problem is with what I found on

"You know, I mean, everybody was -- it was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there, and they were ordering and having fun. And there wasn't any kind of craziness at all," O'Reilly said.

O'Reilly acts like he can go off and say whatever he wants and then blame the liberal media for trying to peg him as a villian to gain higher ratings. He went into the restaurant and only commented on the people eating .. and not on the food. It makes me wonder why he even went there in the first place.

Anonymous said...

People are way too sensitive.
It was just a bad choice of words that he probably regrets, we all do it. Who cares? What use is crying or getting all angry about it?
Even if his comments were racist, why make a big deal of it? Will it REALLY effect you in any way? I'm Polish and Irish and if somebody in the media said mic or poloc, I really wouldn't care. You know why? Cause it doesn't matter one bit. Maybe the person just made a slip of tounge or maybe they really are racist, and even if they are I'm not going to jump down their throats and use up my energy to pursue retribution over something SO trivial and foolish.
Its because of people crying about stupid things like this that cause needless politicing and censorship to be so rampant, you have to walk on eggshells these days because people take offensive to everything; if your not offending one group, your offending another.
If you are that offended by the comments, just CHANGE THE CHANNEL. Don't kick your dog and call your congressman in outrage.
People simply need to chill out, voice their own opinion, respect those of others, and toughen up.

Anonymous said...

"I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City," said O'Reilly.

This just shows that he is living in a sheltered world and that his
[Racial profiling] thought process led him to believe that all black restaurants among others are somehow less civilized. There is also a chance that he was just complimenting the African American race in an unnecessary condescending way, which in a way proves his view of the black culture as being inferior. I personally think that he sounded like a pompous idiot but he is no racist. He is just very ignorant.

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly, as much as I dislike him, was just making a joke. While he very well may be a racist, his comments do not lead me to believe so. If anything, O'Reilly was dispelling myths and stereotypes by saying there wasn't anything ridiculous going on, and nobody was being obnoxious, as a stereotype believing racist would expect.

--Bill Matz

Anonymous said...

oh what a surprise! bill o'reilly in the media again for what he says!?! look, this is what this guy does. he's a right-wing conservative who plays it up and he does it well. the camera is always on him and what crazy thing he is going to say next. (maybe him and ann coulter should have a 24 gig together!) i'm sure he knew what he said was going to start people talking and make people angry. do i like o'reilly. not at all. but i don't think that he is a racist. sometimes he says things that are out of line and uncalled for, but this guy is famous and has his own show because of the stunts like this that he pulls.

Anonymous said...

It really depends what is meant by the term "racist." In actuality, everyone is a bit prejudiced, whether they know it or not. I don't know what is going on in Bill O'Reilly's head, because since he is somewhat of a political celebrity, everything he says has to be observed, warped, and over analyzed. He also has a history of saying outrageous things that may lead people to think he is lying compulsively just to retain his right wing image for his job, or just insane.

I read a longer story about the comment and it seems like in order to get the conversation to where it got to, Bill would have to have some preconceived notion that Blacks are loud, rude people who yell and curse for iced tea, and therefore he had to share his unbelievable experience with Black people that actually were not like that. That is racist.

"'..M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' You know, I mean, everybody was -- it was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there.."

He is saying that he was surprised to see Blacks act like White people from a suburb because White people are civilized while Blacks supposedly are not.

At the same time, I think liberal media is wrong to portray Bill O'Reilly this way. He has said many way more offensive things that don't garner that amount of importance because race (especially black/white issues) is the most controversial. It's a cheap shot. He said something that people understand and can agree with to a certain extent but are too scared to admit because of the need to be politically correct. So in all, I don't really know who is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it 'safe to assume that he's a racist. As a great journalist once told me, YOU NEVER ASSUME IN JOURNALSIM, you have to research the facts. He made an assumption that because he was in Harlem, he would hear African-Americans making loud "ghetto" remarks and jokingly made that comment; without thinking. As a public figure even their slightest statements can, and are often, twisted to stir controversy which as we know, sells papers and gets viewers. Again, I feel he made that remark with no reference to racism; it just "fit the scene" too perfectly for the media to not want to take advantage.
-Chris Hawkins

Anonymous said...

This is nonsense. Bill O'Reilly is a great man, and in my opinion the greatest journalist/pundit yet. He is always under fire because he investigates all the unpopular, but true stories in the news. Sure, some of the things he says can get edgy, but if you read all or any of his books, you will see where he is coming from and how he really cares about America.
Leftist and Secular Progressive groups like MoveOn, the ACLU, CNN, and liberal smear artists such as Al Franken and George Soros, who a lot of people listen to, are always bashing him because he speaks the TRUTH. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that people always seem to search for racism... the racial problems of this country wouldn't be half as bad if people didn't go out of their ways to find it. it O'Reiley rasist... NO! at least not just for saying the comment. Racism will always be a problem if people keep blaming discrepancies and differences on race!

Anonymous said...

If you read the transcript of the conversation, most of the quotes have a good bit of dialogue between. He didnt rattle off a bunch of questionable remarks back to back, they all came out over time.

I think he was not racist AT ALL. In my poli sci class, i was the only person to syate that i consider myself racist. I said this because i hold stereotypes in my mind.

When i had to try to articulate why i said i was a racist, it took a great deal of thought and care to say the right words that would not be misconstrued because fact is, i have friends from all walks of life, have never made a racial remark, and never once thought worse of someone just because of their color.

Im sure i stepped on a few toes that day. In this case, i think O'Reilly was just trying to champion black progress, not be racist and that the media is making it out much worse than it was meant.

Anonymous said...

Enea said...
I do not think that he is racist because he did not say anything that involves race.

Anonymous said...

theres a difference between being a racist and know what to say when. O'Reiley just didnt needed not to say that in that context. if he could take a mulligan i bet he would.


Anonymous said...

theres a difference between being a racist and know what to say when. O'Reiley just didnt needed not to say that in that context. if he could take a mulligan i bet he would.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think that this comment or joke if you want to call it that was taken way out of context. People are trying to pinpoint racism and it's ridiculous. If this is considered a blatently racist remark, then they're are millions of people that are extremely racist. I mean, yeah it might have been dumb to say. But who doesn't say dumb things once in a while. The media wants a story to get the audience's attention..racism gets attention.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that was a racist comment because on the contrary, he was trying to prove a point by saying that racism does not exist in that restaurant, and clearly he thought it was a good thing.

Geo said...

Was it racist when Delaware Senator Joe Biden spoke about Barack Obama and said:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Isn't it more about the perception of the remark rather than the intent?

O'Reilly didn't mean anything by his comments. But is that because his "racism" is so deep rooted that he doesn't even see it?

- George (the teacher and devil's advocate)

Care said...

All that was said was "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M.F-er', I want more iced tea." I think the liberal groups were expecting something to happen so they could make their point, but in reality no one was screaming racist words.

Anonymous said...

Hunter S. Thompson claims "perception" entered the political realm during the 1972 election. He means that all intentions were pushed aside because it's practically impossible to go back and explain the "why" for every statement.

What Joe Bidden said wasn't racist, just as what O'Reilly said wasn't racist either. It's not enough that Obama is "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" because Bidden threw in "African-American" before complimenting Obama. And O'Reilly said a lot more than the iced tea comment. He seemed genuinely impressed that his visit to Sylvia's was just like going to dinner in middle-class white suburbia. I just wonder what he was expecting to encounter ..

I'm sure both didn't mean to endure such a media frenzy but WHY does it matter if a person is a different color if they get the job done well? Why does is matter if someone calls you an African-American if you're African-American? Why is everyone so touchy about the fact that we're all different?

Anonymous said...

of course bill o'reilly was called for being racist b/c he is bill o'reilly. he is known for these types of remarks and being ultra-conservative. joe biden's remarks about obama didn't come under attack as quickly b/c biden has never said anything deemed "racist" before. at least nothing that i've heard of. o'reilly however has made offensive remarks before. therefore, every "racist" thing he says is going to come under fire.

Anonymous said...

as an african american, its not a big secret that bill o'reilly is not the fondest of black people. even though i know this, i really don't think he was tryin to be racist. i think he was addressing his audience when he made these comments. i do believe that many of his followers and dedicated viewers may still believe that black people may behave in this type of fashion in public. i do believe that mr. o'reilly could have used a better choice of words. he didn't have to make it seem as though he was shocked and amazed at the sight of black people using proper etiquette while in a restaurant. with that being said i still don't believe he was trying to make a racist comment. i think he was just being bill o'reilly.

Anonymous said...

I think regardless of the situation, Bill O'Reilly is a public news figure and should be more aware that his words are going to be scrutinized. Bill O'Reilly probably is not a racist and accusing someone of that is pretty powerful. However, he should have more sense than to say things that can be misconstrued as offensive.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is racist, but I do believe that he is a good pot stirrer. I believe that he made these comments on purpose to start some controversy and have people talking about him. Bill O'Reilly isn't a racist, but he is a very smart man.

Anonymous said...

Todd Miller

While I think Bill O'Reilly is a dirt bag, I dont think what he said was out of line. He took the time (although, it was for his own self betterment) to go and eat at this place that is frequented by african-americans. His main reason for this is to achieve exactly what we are doing, talk about him. Lets not give him the feel good by continuing to do so.

Anonymous said...

he is never wrong in his eyes no matter what he is saying, i dont think he is racist, but i think he certainly meant to stereotype black people from what he said

-mike birnbaum

Anonymous said...

I think that he made racist comments and probably is a racist... whether he did it on purpose or not I'm sure. But these kinds of comments are rascits and O'Reilly really needs to think about what he is saying.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is a racist. Sometimes people have "word vomit" and things accidentally come out. I don't think there was any deliberate hate in his words.

Anonymous said...

Given the location of the resturaunt, I can see what he was trying to say. I don't believe it had anything to do with race, but social class of the surrounding area. If I went to eat in a resturaunt North of Montogomery Ave in Philadelphia, I wouldn't expect the same in-house atmosphere as I would in higher class neighborhood.


Geo said...

What he said may have been simply "word vomit" but isn't that even more offensive?

In an honest moment, it just slipped out that he usually thinks African Americans preface their drink orders with, "Hey MF-er!"

There was no craziness going on, he says? What was he expecting - gangsta rap cranked on the stereo, people dancing on the tables and people shooting each other?

Just like Joe Biden - clean, bright, articulate? What is he saying? I mean, what is he REALLY saying?

Be critical readers.

- George (the teacher and devil's advocate)

Anonymous said...

I dont feel that Bill O'Reilly is racist - however - the comment that he made is. It may not of had the intent to be racist but those words are stero-typical of african americans.

Noelle R.

Anonymous said...

I personally think Bill O'Reilly should have kept some of those comments to himself. They somewhat come off as being racist to me but I don't think that was his main intention. Although just because they're are blacks who use that use that type of language in places such as the ghetto and the streets does not mean all African americans are like that. Most are quite intelligent, productive members of our society today. Nobody likes being placed under a stereotype no matter what color or ethniticity you are. It stirs emotions just the same.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I think Americans fear the word "racism" and anything that has to do with it. Let's face it, there are some people who are racist in this country, but who do not think they are or do not want to be labeled as one because of the impact it has on their reputation. We are still a country that is full of racism however, it is underlying and we hide it now rather than openly display it. Sometimes we subconsciouly are racist and never realize it until it comes out in public, just like Bill O'Reilly. This guy has some serious issues with people of different backgrounds. I've heard him speak before and he sounds more ignorant then President Bush, and that's saying something. Now whether he does that for media attention and money or simply because he really thinks that way, we may never know. But he definately has some very racist, opiniated views about different groups of people.

Pac_dolla said...

Bill O'Riely has been know to say racist things out of his mouth for years. This makes no sense that he gets away with it everytime. fox news is a racist network in general

Pac_dolla said...

Bill O'Riely has been know to say racist things out of his mouth for years. This makes no sense that he gets away with it everytime. fox news is a racist network in general

Anonymous said...

I believe that he is a racists. He know that the things that he say are racists. I believe that society accepts this behavior because it demonstrates stereotypes of African-Americans. Most people take stereotypes like it is part of society, that is why I think that no one is taking action by his comments. Just because you have a mouth that don't mean say whatever comes out your mouth. People just laugh it off. This is why racism still exists, quietly of course. People don't want to take action for things like this. Money and politicians has a lot to do with that.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel that he would have noted that "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M.F.-er, I want more iced tea.'" if he wasn't expected to see something of that nature. Upong going to Sylvia's someone, or some media probably gave him the notion that he should expect this kind of wild behavior at the restaurant. So I feel that he was just saying this to confirm that the restaurant was not what he expected, or not what he was told to expect. I feel that the media often attemps to misconstrue the profile of a political figure, and celebrities just for the sense of entertainment, and to cause controversy among the public. The media has definatly succeeded because here were are discussing Bill O'Reilly's questionable controversial motives because of what he said after visiting a restaurant in Harlem.

Anonymous said...

I think O'Reilly's words were taken out of context. He's had past issues with racism but let's give him the benefit of the doubt. We can't judge him.

Anonymous said...

I think he's just an idoit for making such a comment and expecting it not to be seen as a racist comment, but it is. He probably is racist, but what I really think is that this comment proves his stupidity.

Anonymous said...

It was a bad joke, an ignorant joke. Bill O'Reilly is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I think this comment was racist. Bill O'Reily expected to see certain stereotypes of African Americans going on which shows us how he feels about them. He believed that this is how African Americans act. It is true that every culture and race has its stereotypes but he is a person that is in the public eye. He has almost a duty to not be ignorant about different cultures. I think that comment was rude and it was not funny.
~Lana Adams~

Anonymous said...

I think that people are so use to hearing "jokes" refering to race that these negative messages become apart of our personality. I personally would be absolutely offended if I heard this comment, but to say I'd say something like F*uck you back I can't say because immediately the person making the racist joke would think "Yes, that's how blacks behave!" I refuse to stoop to the level of a racist.

Anonymous said...