But errors still occur. Here's one from a New York Times story from last week. They made the correction in yesterday's paper:
An article on Monday about the goals and priorities of Adm. Mike Mullen, the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, misidentified a country where American troops have been serving lengthy deployments. It is Iraq, not Iran.
Iraq? Iran? Just a minor error, right? Whoa.
Or was it a mistake? Is this an attempt by a liberal newspaper to undermine the war effort by alleging that the American military has already moved on from Iraq to Iran? Does this diminish your trust in the New York Times?
I have no trust in the NY Times. They are an anti-military far, far left newspaper which I would not buy even to paper train a puppy.
Paul Klein
ex Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class
4th MAW (Marine Air Wing)
MAG 49 Medical (Marine Air Group)
Whoa, harsh man. So I don't have any ex-military experience, but I'm going to throw in my two cents anyways.
While I think the Iraq/Iran typo(?) was a HORRIBLE mistake to make, I don't think it was a deliberate attempt to undermine the war effort. I just think it was a poor (and i mean downright awful) editing mistake.
I mean, if we analyze things THAT much, the next thing you know people are going to be measuring gutters and margins saying, "The right margin is .001 inch thicker than the left! The NY Times leans to the left!" Please.
Please, a paper doesn't make "mistakes" like that. The NY Times has a slant and it is way, way to the left. The editors don't like the war (who does), don't like Bush (again who does) and would do anything in their power (they have power)to undermine anything concerning them both. Remember "Be tray us"? Big mistake there. The sniper story which we covered in class. Too many "mistakes." Time for change even if it is "just a mistake."
Harsh. Not harsh enough.
WOW.. that is a really big deal. I'm sure that many people that are from Iran were extremely outraged about this typo. The fact that they got the facts wrong makes me question the credibility of the New York Times. Who knows what they will just so happen to make a "typo" about next and if they'll even realize they did..
Maybe it's a sign of harsh deadlines with editors wanting articles out before they have to pay more and mulling over huge mistakes. It does seem like a bone head mistake but I'm not sure it it's because the NY Times is a extremlly left leaning paper. I would have liked to see the number of complaints the NY Times got, because that spells even more of a problem, when a bulk of their American readers didn't even notice that mistake (and shows that the media may not be enlighting their supposed citizens).
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