ANN COULTER, appearing on CNBC's Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, suggested that Jews need to be perfected to become Christians.
Watch the clip. Make up your own mind. Because this clip is being used by partisan people everywhere.
Is there any reason to be offended? Isn't she just getting more and more publicity by doing stunts like this? Aren't we really feeding her ego (and wallet) by paying attention to her?
8 years ago
Ann Coulter will spew any of her opinions for any one that will listen. I believe that news shows just book her for ratings. Most people have to realize that she tries to be controversial in hopes of getting attention. On another note, after hearing her new thoughts on Judaism, this one site is having a contest where an individual can recieve a thousand dollars if they videotape themselves throwing bagels at Ann Coulter. You can find the link for the website by clicking my name. Interesting stuff.
I think people are giving Ann Coulter too much authority by acknowledging her. There is no reason to be offended because people already know that she's an idiot.
Don Imus wasn't given any authority when he said what he did. In fact, they took him off air. This is offensive regardless of how much of an idiot she is. Something should be done about her, like not putting her on the air at all. This is the same thing that radical Muslims are saying about other religions. They accept christ and the old testament, they just believe that Muhammed was the final prophet. Muslims are "perfected christians and jews" eh? She is no better than any of them.
All she was saying was that Christians belive THEMSELVES to be a refined branch of the jewish faith. She just said it in a round about way that is eaisly misconstrued. Capitalizing on this and her complete lack of credibility, the guy interviewing her exploited the situation to fire a controvery because just as the headline reads, "Being Extreme Makes Millions."
But hearing her speak is a testiment to her narcisism, ignorance, and innate stupidity. I'm not trying to defned her, rather clarify the situtation because it really shouldn't be offensive in the least. People that are offended are just trying to start something and should themselves be discreditited.
As a practicing Jew myself, these words are NOT FUNNY AND VERY OFFENSIVE TO ME.
This attitude is a reflection of the Christian faith towards Judaism. More people in this country share that attitude than not. Fortunately, today the attitude is shared mostly by the uneducated and people that don't matter.
Adolph Hitler once said, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator - by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
That statement sounds all to close to the statements made by Ann.
I think Donny has the right idea. Perfect the Jews? Are you serious?
-Justin Horn
Ann Couleter is the female version of Bill O'Reilly- made famous by saying incredibly stupid and offensive things to once again draw camera attention to them. The public has grown so used to her outragous comments, that no one speaks up or calls her out on what she says anymore. I don't care if she is known for this. Each and every time she says something out of line, we need to make her accountable for it and report on it.
Don Imus made millions because he was taken off the air. Don Imus will be back on the air soon. Ann Coulter has the right to say how she feels. We don't have to listen.
Stop putting Ann Coulter on here..she is a psycho who will say anything for attention...just stop.
She does not even sound intelligent when she makes these repulsive statements
May be she was having a Blondish moment..this chic is stupid. why is he askin her these questions. Let me google this dum dum and find out who she is "supposed" to be..Danny Deutsch said " your too educated, you cant possible believe in that. In 2007 Danny boy should know that education unfortunately does not eqate intelligence and or common sence. If it did we would all be living in a "better" world!
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