He's a news guy, right? Won't this blur the lines of news and entertainment? Shouldn't a news anchor be more dignified than that?
Referring to Katie Couric and Williams, one Boston University journalism professor wrote: "Neither of them should be hosting Saturday Night Live. This is a publicity gimmick and only serves to muddy the distinctions between news and entertainment television."
Since we are experiencing the decline of the long-heralded evening network news, is NBC using Saturday Night Live to expand their branding of Brian Williams? Is there anything wrong with that?
Does anyone even watch Saturday Night Live anymore anyway?
I don't see why they Williams and Couric shouldn't host SNL. They're public figures, and there's no law that says only "actors" can entertain. SNL chooses people currently in the public eye to draw viewers. Just because they are known as news anchors doesn't mean they can't do something "lighter" as well. Entertainment is part of the news everyday. And saying that because Brian Williams' profession is news anchor he can't be on TV in any other way is like saying someone who writes for a newspaper can't write a novel.
So much news on tv is just about entertaining people, I have no idea where that line is between journalism and entertainment. It doesn't strike me as odd to have them hosting Saturday Night Live.
I dont see this as a real problem. If Couric and Williams want to host SNL then so be it. "Journalism is a business" so it makes sense.
i dont see why not...journalist are people to rite..i dont think it would blur the lines of news and or entertainment. Brian William does his job as Anchor when hes on NBC NEws...but a side from that hes allowed to have fun..plus this will be a way to possible get more veiwers
I still watch Saturday Night Live...every once in awhile, but apparently I'm the only one.
And I don't see anything wrong with Brian Williams hosting it, either. His job on the news is one thing, and his Saturday Night Live episode is a totally different things. As long as he doesn't go on the show and promote the Nightly News like an actor would promote a movie, he's fine. That's where the line should be drawn.
I think that America has such a "close relationship" with their anchors that it's almost natural to see one of them hosting a show such as Saturday Night Live. Too bad no one watches it anymore.
News anchors and their viewers are like family and it would be great to see them on different shows. Therefore, viewing them on SNL is like seeing another side of them other than the serious side which can be a good thing.
Melissa Poe
:( I still watch SNL although I think it is kind of weird for a news anchor to be the host of SNL, but right now in America there's a thin line between being a news anchor and being a celebrity. Anyway, most people are fascinated by anyone who has been on t.v. I mean, I get a little star struck if I see a local news anchor at the supermarket.
There is no reason why a news anchor should not be aloud to host SNL. A person can report the news and have a sense of humor at the same time.
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