Did he inform you about things you had not considered? Did you think about journalists working seven days per week, on holidays, over night and 33 hours straight when necessary?
The anchors and reporters get the face-time and the glory. But it's people like Pete who see the city at it's most grassroot, gritty and sometimes rawest level.

I am absolutely thrilled that Pete Kane came to our class. You say John Street is a wealth of information? HA. Pete Kane kept me thinking, asking questions, and LOVING my major even more. He makes you excited, give you the dirt of it all. Unlike Street, who told me I don't have a career! I would love to have him back! ENCORE!
Pete Kane was excellent. I felt like he was a LOT more approachable than Street and he gave really good insight and inspiration. You can see that he's a man who is really passionate about what he does, and is really honest and open, which is refreshing.
I could not agree with the two people who left comments before me. Pete Kane was very informative about his job/the media, etc WAY more than Street. I'm really interested in conflict journalism, a lot of what Kane has done so far so it was definitely interesting to see him talk about his experiences.
Usually people like Kane don't get the behind the scenes credit they deserve, but he without a doubt has.
***could not agree more
I also agree with my peers. Pete spoke the truth about his profession and was DEFINITELY a better guest than Street.
I didn't realize this whole thing was a popularity contest between Pete Kane and John Street.
Pete Kane was representative of the real Philly and the real Philly journalism. He had to work his ass off to get ahead as most people do in Philly. He accepts Philly for all that it is, a crime scene and a place for the people.
Zach is right. This isn't Pete vs. Street. It's Pete Kane vs. Larry Mendte!
- George (the Don King of Gladfelter Hall)
It's people like Pete Kane who prove that journalism will never die out. You could tell how much he respects the industry and absolutely loves his job. I loved his talk on giving a "personal touch" to stories. Journalism may indeed be a business, but he showed that it's also a way to impact the community and give back.
HA! You're hysterical George! I thought Pete was an excellent speaker today. He takes so much pride in what he does and he loves every second of it. It's people like him who make me love what I'm doing so much more! Good pick!
I was really excited to see Larry Mente! But now I just want an encore of Pete Kane!
You know guy gives a great presentation when he answers the phone 8 times and we still sing his praises. It was great he was very interested and his video's were great. Always nice to have add a visual touch. I wouldnt mind spending a day talking and learning from him.
You know a guy gives a great presentation when he answers the phone 8 times and we still sing his praises. It was great he was very interesting and his video's were great. Always nice to have add a visual touch. I wouldnt mind spending a day talking and learning from him.
(Sorry about the typo before)
I thought Pete was great source of information. It was interesting to see a different job that I never thought of. You don't have to be just an anchor or a reporter or a cameraman, you could be all three.
Check out my blog for my opinion on Kane.
I thought he was great, seemed like a really amazing guy.
He was awesome! He made me consider changing my major. It was a really interesting class.
Pete Cain was a cool guy. It was nice to hear his motivational story about working hard to get what he wanted out of life. He is obviously very proud of his career - and that's always to see. Hold it down, Pete!!
I enjoyed listening to Pete Kane's stories. He made his job seem really interesting and rewarding. Larry better be ready!
Shucks, I walked out on a black speaker?
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