ARE YOU AFRAID? Do you run away when someone sneezes? Do you curl up in a fetal position and sit in the corner of your room because you are afraid of contracting the swine flu?
Are you tired of all the stories about the swine flu? Is the media going overboard? The president did discuss the issue (and suggested everyone wash their hands more frequently). But is the media hyping the story, thereby creating panic and hysteria?
Is it just a coincidence that this is a sweeps ratings period?
8 years ago
Absolutely. Do you remember Bird Flu, West Nile and SARS? I've heard from the media several times in my life that I was going to die from a pandemic. And I have yet to so I'm not sure what all of the hoopla is about. Fact: More people have died this year of the actual flu than the swine flu. I know that we should all be cautious and wash our hands more often, but this is just another media induced frenzy.
I agree with the comment above. Honestly, the media is causing a lot of unnecessary paranoia. Not to say that people shouldn't be cautious around sick people, but I mean come on; Shouldn't you wash your hands and cover your mouth while coughing anyway? Also, like the girl before me stated, more people have died from the common flu than from the swine flu, which is also to say that more people contract the common flu. If the swine flu is causing such an uproar about being a potential pandemic, then isn't the common flu already one?
Alexandra Strockyj
I have to follow suit and agree with the two previous posts. The media had really hyped up the whole swine flu epidemic. I'm from Maryland and I remeber when the West Nile virus was made into this really big deal. The media is doing all they can to soak up ratings.
It has been said that the swine flu has the same sypmtoms as the common flu, so what is the problem? I agree people should be washing their hands and covering their mouth when they cough anyway. What is the big issue? I still do not understand the big panic about the word swine being in front of flu. It should be common knowledge to take care of your health and practice good hygiene to avoid illness.
The count of the flu in the United States is keeping people viewing the news, like a horse race. Sweeps rating period may be one reason why it is overemphasized.
Great picture Geo!! Bound to send chills down the spines of the millions cowering in their homes until the television tells them it's safe to go outside. That is until they start covering the zombie apocalypse!
While I am not scared I think it is something that we must all be on alert for in dealing with healthy hygiene. The last flu pandemic was in 1968 when “Hong Kong” flu killed about a million people! Good grief. I hope we do not have a repeat.
Apparently in TU dorm residence halls gave out flyers about Swine!
I am kind of undecided about this topic. YES, I am totally sick of hearing about the swine flu. BUT, I would like to know if it is in our area. I think the media has definitely taken this a little overboard. But hey, as journalists we need to inform the public as thoroughly as possible. If that consists of every 5 seconds saying the word 'swine flu', then so be it.
The Swine Flu is annoying to keep hearing about, but I do wash my hands more often. That little kid licking the pig is disgusitng...but kinda funny.
- George
(the teacher who vows to say swine flue every five seconds)
I am so very tired of hearing about this!!! There are so many other things that can effect our health that we don't protect ourselves from on a daily basis. I'm pretty sure with the right vaccines it's as curable as the regular flu, I think the scare should quiet down a little and only publish stories that have actual value. Enough with the possible cases
This whole swine flu thing is bullshit. People are running around wearing masks, washing their hands every other second and everything. It's ridiculous. It's pretty much just as deadly as the regular flu but the media hypes it up to put our nation in a state of panic.
Oh and this picture with the kid licking the pig... it's my new desktop background =).
with the swine flu attacking every country, the chance of me having is high. so yeah im kind of afraid because if i get it, there is a chance that i may pass it on to someone close to me.
I think swine flu is another kind of sickness that we should be cautious about. Personally I don't want to get any kind of flu, so I wash my hands alot and take care of myself.
Kurt Mauro
This swine flu hysteria is ridiculous. I mean it's serious but I think that the media has definetely blown the situation out of proportion. Yes people have died because of it, but it's nothing more dramatic than homicides that happen in Philly alone.
I've been hearing a lot of news and stories about Swine Flu . I try to keep myself clean by carying a small hand cleanser in my bag. The picture is nasty!!
Yes I do believe that the media has gone a little overboard with all the stories about the swine flu. I mean yes people should be careful, but some people are being a little paranoid. As long as people wash their hands and keep up with their personal hygiene(I hope everyone is) then they should be fine.
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