Some readers freaked out. One person wrote to the paper saying, “I would appreciate it if your cover pictures would not be so disturbing where my kids can see it easily on the kitchen table... please don’t shove this “Gay” business in our face. This is something that should have shown up on an inside page or two (without the picture).”
Is there anything wrong with running the photo? Is the Post taking sides in the same-sex marriage debate by publishing the image so prominently?
More broadly: should the news media reflect the public or create standards for what society should deem as acceptable?
I think the photo was appropriate for the story and it is an issue that warrants the front page. Gay rights are important to create true human equality.
I also believe that the news media should reflect the public and not create its own opinion about what society should be like. The news should report what is going on in society and not show any bias.
"But most simply said The Post had offended their sensibilities by publishing the photo, especially on the front page."
It's weird how people think they have the right to not be offended, especially by a news paper.
News is news. And when news shows the truth and reflections of society, someone out there might be bothered. Everyone's views are different. I understand that she thinks her children are too young to understand what is going on in the world, but just because of her negative view on the cover story and the issue that image that should not change the newsworthiness.
It has newsworthy because it is an issue that creates a great amount of controversy in society. There are many things that can be offensive to certain people but if it is controversial, than is should be talked about.
I feel as the news media should not go off of what is acceptable by society because that is not only what the news media is used for. The news media is there to inform the public and just as Daron said this is considered newsworthiness os it must be talked about. This is also an issue that has been discussed for years and now that this law is passed the public should I know.
I can see how many Americans would see it as offensive to have such a story on the cover of such a widespread newspaper, but many people find the stories of Tiger Woods and Britney Spears and many other celebrities offensive, and yet they are put out there all of the time, and many times in some of the same outlets. I think that there are always going to be controversial topics in society, and that is why there are apples and oranges, and not everyone will see eye to eye on every single issue, but I feel that if our country can elect an African-American president, then we need to make more of an effort in accepting those around us who choose a slightly different lifestyle in some peoples opinions. If you really stop to think about it, who you choose to be with in life is such a trivial issue compared with many of the other larger and more significant issues in society at the moment such as economics, global warming, healthcare, and so on. Lets focus on those America.
it was appropriate! i mean come on...whats wrong with the picture? is not like we're in the 50's. people need to get over this, let people be! its a newspaper, they report the news, thats news, period.
I don't think anything is wrong with the Post running this picture. I thought newspapers were created to create a public forum. How are we suppose to discuss things if we were not able to see all sides of the stories? Also it's 2010, this is news( D.C. just passed a law saying that same-sex couples could get married) and there are always going to be gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning people and anything else in the world, so people need to just get over it!
Brittni M.Baldrich
I believe this picture is appropiate for this top story. People need to be aware of whats going on and not keep their eyes shut on the changes that is going on in our society and accept them because they will not change.The best thing you can do as a person is LIVE you OWN lifestyle and not judge others. Keep your opinion to yourself because they honestly do not matter because the change is made and nothing you do is going to prevent it from still occurring. I think the picture is beautiful because its true love, and that is rare to see.
I think media and the public need to be more open to stories and pictures depicting sexuality. This is not offensive, just like a man and a woman is not offensive. This is also news and is totally appropriate for the story. I'm sure some people would complain even if the men were hugging, but they should get used to seeing it as it is a popular story about an important issue in America.
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