To discourage other jackasses running onto the field, the media generally ignore the clown when this happens. TV won't show the person. Still photographers don't submit images for publication. Writers don't report the incidents - which are actually crimes.
But the tasered dude is in the news, with his picture and all - apparently, he is one of the first trespassing fans to be subdued by a taser.
NBC10 used video from YouTube (they blurred the jackasses' face in the video but ran a full image online). Fox29 did too. Philly.com ran a slideshow. PhillyBurbs.com published images and video.
What would you do? Would you run images, video and/ or a story about the jackass?
By the way, another dumbass ran on to the field the very next night.
There's a part of me absolutely thinks I would run his photo - if only to publicly shame him, but the particulars of this cas, I don't think I would.
For better or for worse, this guy is a part of Phillies history. He's the first guy to run on the field at Citizen's Bank park as well as being the first Phillies fan to get tazed.
Already the 7 most viewed stories on Philly.com are about this guy. Even worse, one of the pieces has him saying it didn't even hurt, which already sends the message to other people thinking about doing this that it's not that big a deal.
The issue here I find with running the story/photos at all is giving this guy any chance to parley his asshattery into fame/infamy.
...is that a cast? or a sock puppet?
1. the media (who cares) shouldn't focus on this shit right now. or ever. Only crapppy publications and internet sites that serve the publics desire for pointless and irrelevant information should run this photo because some people want to see this guy. And he's definitely begging for attention so why not take his picture?
I feel as if the guy clearly wanted to be seen. I would runthe story and run the image because he took it upon himself to run out on the field. The story would be amusing to the reader and give him or her a good laugh.
I would run the story- only because it's newsworthy as previously stated, a part of history. Not because he ran on the field, but because he was tasered. By the way, this kid goes to my high school. great!
Exactly what I was afraid of
I just think it's funny. It's lame in the sense that he's just another guy who ran onto the field, but it's funny because he got tased and that just stinks. It's newsworthy and people, especially Phillies fans, like to know about that kind of stuff for the entertainment aspect, so why not run it. If the kid did not want his picture or story in the paper, he would not have run onto the field in the first place. He wanted attention, and now he is getting it, his 15 minutes of fame. Congratulations bud, you're super cool.
He is supercool. This is hilarious. If you don't think someone getting tased is funny... The act in itself was really weak though. He didn't do anything creative like running naked with his boxers on his head etc. So he really didn't raise the bar for interrupting a sports game. There are a bunch of commercials that have people running on to sports fields naked in the middle of the game. I think there are Adidas shoe commercials and a couple of other one's. Police are too slow these days that they need to tase a guy in order to catch up with him? Thus, it brings up a good discussion on whether he should get tased as there are risks involved. Apparently it fried his brain enough to forget that he had already run on the field the night before. How was he let back in to the stadium? All Newsworthy ? Absolutely. Run it all. In terms of Fame/Infamy I already forgot what we were talking about.
I'd run the stories and pictures because its obviously demonstrating a change in the way security at baseball games are handled. It was really stupid of this guy to run on the field, but I don't know if he deserved to be tasered for it, so I think the story is asking audiences to think about that question. Does this guy deserve what he got?
I agree. I would run the stories. It is stuff that people want to actually hear about. I heard that the guy didnt get tasered. He shot at him but both of the little clips on the end of a taser have to have contact with your body to send the electric current through your body. Only one of the clips hit the guy so he wasn't harmed at all. It is a funny story and it's entertaining so I would run it all. I think it is kind of embarrassing for the cop who missed though haha.
Why not? is a story people would love to know. it's newsworthy!! and + is a hilarious story!
We live in a generation that is not only narcissistic but obsessed with fame. What else would prompt so many dumb reality tv shows? So by showing his face and running the images, story, and video the jackass is getting exactly what he wanted - instant fame. However, it will soon be old news. It was only an exciting news story and worthy of such press because it was the first of its kind. There had been no other stories of a fan running on the field and then getting tasered. If it happens again it will be nowhere near as news worthy. People will just be annoyed at the jackass and the media will ignore him.
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