KOVR-TV ENTERTAINMENT reporter Mark Allen interviewed Tyler Perry and Janet Jackson on air last week about their new movie Why Did I get Married?
But the reporter moved on from the movie to asking about Jackson and her Super Bowl scandal.
Was the reporter out of line or was he simply asking the questions we all want answers to?
8 years ago
Why are we still talking about Janet's Super Bowl performance almost 4 years later?
I think they were way out of line, she was there talking about her new movie. She has done enough press about her wardrobe malfunction.
I agree with the comment above. Yes, it is true that FCC regulations have changed and been modified because of that wardrobe malfunction. But do we still need to draw more attention to it than the media already has in the past?
It seemed like the interviews were just making fun of her instead of asking serious questions about the wardrobe accident. If they wanted to make any comments about it, then possibly ask her how her life and career has changed since the incident, etc.
There was no need to bring it up once again. The interviewers seemed unprofessional and immature.
He was out of line. Tyler Perry pointed out what was important and that was the movie. That whole super bowl scandal is old and nobody is really talking about it anymore. I thought it was realy immature of him to keep trying to fish for an answer out of Janet when he saw how uncomfortable it made her. There is a thin line between trying to find the truth about a situation and being downright obnoxious and I think he crossed it. In my opinion he made himself look like a dweeb.
~Lana Adams~
At the begining it did come across as the guy portraying his journlaism traits and asking those hard hitting questons. But at the end with the joking and the poking fun at Janet he sky rocketed from being a hard hitting journalist trying to get the answers to questions we all want to know to being a down right DICK.
If any guy asked me if I was wearing iron suspenders I would probably hit him. What a jerk. Journalism is about getting the story of what's happening NOW, not 4 years ago. He rehashed a scandal because he thought it would attract an audience. It only made him look like a jerk.
This video is a good example of what NOT to do. I still can't get over how much of a jerk that guy is.
Above any questions about whether or not he was rude, I think we need to address whether this is even pertinent news... it happened so long ago!
he's was definitely being a jerk! i am janet jackson's number 1 fan .. i was even offended by the way he asked her about it and kept going. he made it relevant by relating it to the FCC, but he was being a bad journalist because he presented the question in a horrible way knowing that she wouldnt answer. it seemed more embarrassing to him because the question was totally irrelavant, he took it as a joke but he was the only one laughing
Talk about accuracy..heh..This guy was about as accurate to the topic at hand as his career will probably be to stay in existence. How about we take a second and reiterate for our somehow-televised reporter what this news story was SUPPOSED to be about, even though it seemed Tyler Perry did it enough for him already..It was about THE MOVIE!! THAT was the story. He changed the news story completely from "Why Did I Get Married?", and the content and theme involved in it, to a totally different topic..A topic which he believed he could dig out of its grave for a few embarrassing minutes. Who's embarrassed now? So...No, this wasn't good journalism. If someone wrote an article on the pitching match-up this week in the world series, and then (right in the middle of the article) changed topic completely to how one of the pitchers never passed his SAT's (or something like that), then never even returned to the original topic, I believe any reader in the world could see that this article really didn't deliver in its purpose...Therefor, we've gotta' check this guy's (Mark Allen) journalist "lisence", because I really don't see any validity. He's lucky he got a chance to apologize.
This is an event that happen years ago and it needs to be forgotten. The two of them (Perry and Jackson) can on the show for an interview about the movie and nothing more or less. Let the past stay in the past and lets worry about whats right in front of our face.
That was sort of uncomfortable to watch. I think that guy was rude, and it's weird that the other two reporters sitting with him chuckled the whole time and I didn't find anything inappropriate about his badgering.
It wasn't so much the question itself, but that he kept coming back to it after Tyler Perry tried to change the subject. Seems like he has something against Ms. Jackson? Perhaps she ignored him when he tried to get her autograph after the Rhythm Nation tour in 1990? Someone's sour.
If the interview was originally set up to discuss the movie. I do not think that it was right for him to start asking about the Super Bowl scandal. But if she was answering the questions I guess no harm was done.
My face right now, is priceless!
I think I had a few people in the Tech Center eyeball and listen in on the Youtube clip with me...
He was a jerk hands down. Was that all really necessary?
The interview's purpose was to discuss the movie, so for one the prime focus of the interview should have not been Janet Jackson, but rather Tyler Perry. Second, how long ago was that Super Bowl incident?? Was his job affected that greatly by her performance that he had to continue to probe the obviously uncomfortable Janet Jackson?
That was very rude, and Mark Allen would not give it a rest. Tyler Perry kept trying to move conversation, but he would not quit. Mark Allen's fellow reporters are no better than him. Laughing like it is some comedy show.
Janet Jackson suffered enough heat from her 'wardrobe malfunction,' her career and overall image was hurt by such. too. Can she live and move on? Sheesh!
Mark Allen wasn't acting in his role as a journalist at all because he was not asking real questions, he was poking fun. "Any wardrobe malfunctions on the set?" What kind of question is that?
Celebrity life I tell you, they never get a break. I applaud Tyler Perry for coming to Janet Jackson's defense and pointing out the unnecessary direction of the interview.
Lesson from this interview= Everyone likes a little controversy.
-Myriam Wilson
Wow! He had no right to question that, especially in the manner he did. If Jackson was on the show just to be on the show, then fine. But her and Perry were there to promote the movie, not talk about the Super Bowl. That was a disgrace of journalism
Just an FYI: The reporter later apologized on CBS for being such a jerk to Janet. He received over 19,000 emails in opposition to his actions. Here's the url to the page:
Famous Girl, Brandi
Mark Allen is a complete Jerk! We can all see that from this news clip that flooded the internet rite after his stuntom trying to embarrass Janet Jackson..the story is over and old..do ur job and move on! (my comment has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that im a Die heart Janet Jackson fan and Love Tyler Perry's work..lol)...anyway enough about Mark..i just want to congratulate Tyler Perry and Janet Jackson for handling this mess as well as they did...Why Did I get Married? was an excellent movie and deserved a far review...i seen it twice in the theater and cant wait for the DVD to be released! you should check it out if u havent already done so
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