I don't think it's really sensationalism just because of the prominence of these less than lethal weapons among today's police. I've seen so many reports of officers using these weapons to people who give them a little too much "trouble", because it is a better defensive measure than a firearm. I don't think it's bad journalism to let people know what kind of weapons our police use, especially because no one knows if they will ever be on the business end of that taser or spray.
This is what you come to expect from sweeps. It was probably run countless times for a teaser promoting the evening news, ran for about three minutes during the program, and faded into oblivion. There is next to no educational value to what this "story" provides.
This is one of the major points of contention with the direction that broadcast journalism is heading in. Arbitron and Nielsen run many news features more so than viable content. Should it really be about the numbers?
Ive been accused of using small words when it comes to critiqing. However, sometimes when your an idiot your just an idiot. Im going to leave it at that.
If you intend to go into journalism as a career, you should be writing, taking pictures, laying out pages, making decisions and informing our community now. Really.
Contact an editor at the Temple News and begin working for them ASAP. Get clips. Get experience. Get paid.
Former CBS3 anchor Larry Mendte visited our class in 2008 and then put us on the news. He polled the class on the day of the Pennsylvania Primary Election. You can see the video by clicking here.
I don't think it's really sensationalism just because of the prominence of these less than lethal weapons among today's police. I've seen so many reports of officers using these weapons to people who give them a little too much "trouble", because it is a better defensive measure than a firearm. I don't think it's bad journalism to let people know what kind of weapons our police use, especially because no one knows if they will ever be on the business end of that taser or spray.
Did you learn anything other than that tasers make people scream?
- George (the teacher)
Wow. This is insane. People are really doing stuff like this for ratings?
Its a bit crazy. Wouldn't a bunch of statistics and some interviews do the job?
Reading that story on KNBC's website kind of made me feel bad for Douglas.
Honestly, this clip looks like it could be a scene from Jackass-2...
This "experiment" was really unnesessary. Anyone who's seen COPS knows that these tools are effective. And obviously police use them for a reason.
It reminded me of the Jackass Boys and their homoerotic games.
I have no simpathy for this "journalist".
This is what you come to expect from sweeps. It was probably run countless times for a teaser promoting the evening news, ran for about three minutes during the program, and faded into oblivion. There is next to no educational value to what this "story" provides.
This is one of the major points of contention with the direction that broadcast journalism is heading in. Arbitron and Nielsen run many news features more so than viable content. Should it really be about the numbers?
-Brett Strycharz
this is so stupid
Ive been accused of using small words when it comes to critiqing. However, sometimes when your an idiot your just an idiot. Im going to leave it at that.
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