Here's what stood out to me:
- Establish your goals, and figure out how to reach them.
- Broadcast news requires A LOT OF WRITING.
- There are many jobs in newsrooms besides reporters and anchors.
- Producers have a influence in terms of what gets on the news (and how it is presented).
- The people you meet today may be leaders of tomorrow, even the slackers sitting next to you in class.
- You need multiple skills - writing, editing, shooting, etc.
- You can't make excuses.
- Journalism is not a craft that will make you rich.
- Talk to people doing what you want to do in the future.
- Get started now.
What stood out for you?
I was pretty impressed by how much Donnell has been able to do only a few years out of college. He definitely had some good things to say. He did a really good job driving home the importance of both networking and interning. The argyle vest wasn't half bad either.
Sarah Fergus
I was very impressed by him and definitely agree with Donnell that you can't make any excuses in the field he is in. I really enjoyed his inspiring words.
The way he set his goal was pretty inspiring. And he was even able to achieve it. That's really great. I hope to do the same in my career. And to be honest, I had no idea what a producer did. It's very interesting and definitely something to look into.
I was impressed by his demeanor. He presented himself, not only as a professional in his field of work, but also as a former student who once shared the same worries and interests as we do as students now. I liked how he made everything about his job seem interesting and at the same time serious about the nature of it all. I thought he enlightened us all on the skills we will need to make it in this field.
The biggest thing that stood out to me was that you have to have definate goals. I thought he was pretty accurate in all his advice and was really impressed with what he's accomplished after graduation.
Donnell was a great guest speaker. It's incredible that he's been able to get so far in only a couple of years. I thought his advice was really good, especially about the importance of internships and networking. I really learned a lot about the business from hearing about his experiences.
the way he achieve his goals that is very interesting and what ever he told us in the class made me decide what i am gonna do after i graduated or while i am in college. his experiences told us nothing is impossible to get we just have work harder than everyone to achieve our dreams.
What stood out to me was that when he was asked a question he responded with a direct answer. The line: "You can't make excuses." stood out to me because it's true. I think it was the perfect heading by the way, it summarized his appearance in class well.
I was also very impressed with how much Donnell has done. He's so young and has accomplished so much. I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate. Being a PR major (I know, I know, all journalists hate PR people) I have a lot of options, but I truly have no idea what direction I should go in. I think I switched to the wrong major (from Elementary Education) because I find myself very interested in the BTMM majors in SCaT. I'm sure I can find something in PR through something involving BTMM, but I feel like I'm still in the wrong place!
I really enjoyed what he said about doing it and not making excuses. Life is what we make it and individuals must go after what they want in order to get it.
I was impressed when he told the class that he posted in his dorm room when he needed a job. He had the exact date on the wall and he was motivated and determined to do so. He got a job at NBC just one month after graduating. It is very impressive.
Overall, I was pretty impressed with his determination and will. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, so he did everything in his power to achieve it. He seems like a straight-shooter who, once he sets his mind on something, he WILL accomplish something. I'm also impressed with how quickly he is achieving his goals, only 2/3 years out of college. He's definitely someone to appreciate in the world of Journalism.
Kurt Mauro
I really enjoyed class today. He seemed real knowledgable in the field and I liked how was honest about everything.
Like what some other people have said, I too was impressed with everything he'd accomplished in such a relatively short time. I'd been tossing around ideas of internships in my mind, and his talk pushed me even further into the whole thing. I'm also glad he discussed the pros and cons of grad school, which had been on my mind for some time..
-Michael Gaudini
I really enjoyed hearing Donnell speak earlier. He did have a lot of good things to say that actually made sense. Seeing his determination even though he's doing so great only 2 yrs out of college kinda makes you evaluate how deeply we feel about this craft so...
good stuff!!!
It is always awesome to see someone our age make it so far, so soon. And push us towards doing so too. He is proof that where there is will, there is a way!
Amanda DiStefano
(current Journalism and Society student)
I really enjoyed his presentation. Donnell was very knowledgeable about his field and shows a true passion for what he does. Such dedication is truly remarkable in this world and I appreciate his advice with the greatest admiration.
He was great! It's nice have guest speakers close to our age because being hired right out of school is so fresh in their minds. He's so driven and knows what he wants, that's inspiring.
I thought he was very spell spoken and educated! It was obvious that he is extremely passionate about what he does and that is always nice to see!
I thought he was well-spoken and passionate person about his work. I think he brought to light a lot of things to journalism that people might not know. For instance those who are just entering the major or those who aren't sure of what path they would like to take in the major, Donnell was able to explain the different jobs in the news room alone. I thought that was insightful, because there are jobs in this field besides a reporter and a camera man... I also thought that him mentioning that it is good to be diverse and well rounded person to further yourself in this field. I think that is true for any career path. Over all I think he did a great job speaking and motiving others to get involved and become more passionate about what they want to do with their lives.
I thought Donnell was awesome. Listening to his story really inspired me, and also comforted me. It inspired me because he is what, 23, 24, and he is already a producer, and that is just awesome. It comforted me because worrying about getting a job in broadcast journalism after school is very stressful, and to be able to see such a young man with a success story this early on in his career made me feel like it is something that I can also do. Overall he was a great speaker, and he was a great pick since he was sort of still on the same level as us students.
Christina Warrington
I Believe Jackson's meeting with us was awesome. He is a real inspiration to any person who is trying to set them selves up for success. His speech is relevant to every one not just journalists, because we all need find what we want to do with ourselves, and stick out of the crowed.
I was pretty impressed by how much Donnell knew about his field of work, as well as, other fields within the broad field of journalism. I thought that he gave a lot of extremely helpful advice about what to do to succeed in the field. I think that we need more people like him coming in to talk to us because I got a lot out of him coming and talking to our class. He seems like he would be a very good mentor to any one wishing to go into journalism, like myself.
Donnell was an inspiring speaker with a lot of enthusiasm about what he does- and about his experience at Temple. As someone who has no clue of what I want to do when I graduate, it brought me comfort to hear from him that it IS possible to find the right career path.
I was very impressed by Donnell. I think he was really motivated to get a good job out of college, and he accomplished his goal. I definitely admire his determination, and it is comforting to know that it is possible to find the job you love early in your career.
Donnell did a great job presenting except when he mumbled the word "retarded" when referring to the titles given to certain employees in the news room. I don't have any retarded people in my family but that could potentially be offensive. It's great to see such a motivated young man succeeding in the workforce. I didn't agree with Donnell's stance about employment and today's economy. I think Obama is in the repair process and we can achieve whatever we want with self-presentation, hard work and networking.
Jessica Lopez said...
It was good to hear from someone close to our age and so accomplished. Lately everyone's been talking about how hard it is to find a job especially in this field, so it was kind of a relief to hear someone optimistic and successful.
I really enjoyed what Donnell had to say. I never realized that there are so many jobs other than a news anchor in a newsroom. He really inspired me to set a goal and get involved!
-Jessica Kairis
I thought Donnell Jackson presented him self weal and was very inspirational to me. Now, as a freshmen, I'm looking in to internships and try to take some of the steps he took so I can figure out what I really what to do with my life. I appreciate the advice he gave out because it was very much needed and informative.
-Antionette Evans
The one element that stood out to me was how much emphasis he put on networking by getting out there researching, and letting people know that you are interested in a particular field and/or position. No one can do it for you and you have to make what you want happen.
I think it was a great idea to have Donnell Jackson come in and speak with us.
It's one thing to have goals that you want to meet, but to actually see someone meeting and exceeding their own goals gives me motivation to do alot more than what I am doing.
It is hard to believe that in a couple of years the safety net of being in school will be gone, and it is scary.
It's just great to see that in spite of the economic crisis which is scaring the hell out of us, success is still achievable.
He set a goal and pursued it. Gave a reality check to those who think they will dive right into the business. It stood out that he only stayed at his first position for that short amount of time. I'm curious as to how pulling papers off a printer has any relevance to a college education.
What stood out to me was how he kept explaining the importance of networking and how he made it clear that you don't HAVE to go to grad school to be successful. I really enjoyed him speaking. He set his goals and reached them. What amazes me is how he became the producer of a news station only 2 years out of college. amazing!
Donnell's presentation was incredibly inspiring. In today's economic climate, all you keep hearing as a college student is how hard you will have to work to find a job out of school. Donnell is truly and inspiration to us all, coming so far in his field so soon out of schooling. He inspired me, at least, to become more directed towards my goals now, instead of waiting until the last semester of senior year. Maybe I'll find my way to stand out to employers in the process...
I really liked Jackson's presentation. He had a very positive energy and good attitude. When people asked him questions, he threw the answers back at you with no hesitation and confidence. I can see why he is a successful news writer at such a young age. Also what stood out to me was how determination can get you far, and to put yourself out there... over and over until you reach your goals. I even made signs that I hung above my computer to keep me motivated and moving. I thought it sounded like a good idea...
You hung a sign? That's awesome.
I've posted my dreams on the wall in front of my computer since I was in college. And that was a long time ago!
- George (the teacher who is still reaching for his dreams, damn it!)
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