People freaked out, saying that posting the database threatens people's Second Amendment right - the right to bear arms. The newspaper is anti-gun, they said.
Others argued that the list is already available by asking the state government, so why not post an otherwise public list? People have the right to know if their neighbor is armed, right?
What do you think? Should the newspaper out those packing heat?
It was already public so I don't see how journalists are being bothered because they gave people a place to read those names...
I kind of like the idea of announcing I carry a gun. It's obviously in poor taste. This is similar to posting links to people convicted of sex crimes or some similar attempt at public shame. But, outside of being annoyed, it sounds like a "people who's house you aught not break into."
How is publishing a list violating their right to bear arms? You can still have a gun?
I think in some states it is almost natural to carry guns and expected. I think this just depends on the cultural norms of the people.
Amanda DiStefano
(current Journalism and Society student)
I think that a newspaper that is anti-guns publishing a list of people who are registered is bias on their part. Just because they are against it publishing the list in their paper is just going to create controversy. Im sure there are others news articles they can write in place of that.
No way! People are carrying concealed for a reason-- they do not want others to know that they are carrying a gun! So if the government is willing to allow people to pack concealed, then the newspapers should respect that and leave it be.
Christina Warrington
Yes I think they should publish such lists. The law started out as a means for people to protect themselves but now the law is doing more harm than good. People should be aware of how safe they may actually be.
I have to disagree with Christina's logic on concealed weapons. Concealed weapons licenses are given out to protect the people who own the gun. The reasonable rationale for allowing concealed weapons is not so people can carry guns in pure secrecy, it's so people can feel protected without causing a scene by flailing a gun around.
A concealed weapon license doesn't guarantee the concealment of that weapon, otherwise wouldn't airport security be a violation of that person's rights? Guns concealment is an example where we've decided that public safety supersedes personal liberty.
Andrew Small
This doesn't make sense. They have the right to bear arms and journalists have the right to access and print public information. No rights are threatened here.
However, i am not sure posting who has a gun will make people give theirs up. In contrary I think it will motivate others to get a gun for protection against the lists printed.
It's called privacy. And I have that right. It is OK for the information to be avalible to people who want to know, however broadcasting my name and the fact that I can carry a conceled weapon is an invasion of my privacy. It's called my right.
Paul Klein
(former student)
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